Grupo prematrimoniales de la parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel
We are here to support the future spouses through workshops, where we see important issues for their future marriage such as getting to know each other as a couple, encouraging dialogue between them to resolve conflicts, showing love, caring for it and promoting it, as well as detecting possible conflicts and how to solve them, create awareness of the sacrament of marriage, appreciate sexuality as part of their marriage, learn about methods allowed by the Church to lead responsible fatherhood and motherhood, manage assets as a couple and leave father and mother to consolidate now as marriage. When? The premarital workshops will be given every month in the parish, divided into 4 Sundays with 2 workshops per Sunday, with a duration of 2 hours per workshop. Who can request it? All couples who intend to take the sacrament of marriage, as well as married couples who wish to strengthen their relationship as a couple. How much? The cooperation is 250 pesos per place, which is used to buy their material, a book with the workshops, a pencil and a pencil sharpener.
Dr. Patricia Villeda (coordinator) 415 104 4030