Comunidad Carismática Merkabá
We invite you to learn more about the word of God through the topics that are given in teachings, training that is given every week in groups... God Loves you just the way you are, no matter what you have done, the only thing that What he asks is that you let yourself be loved by him. Many times we do not experience that love of God because of the sin that is in our hearts. But there is good news that God has already given you Salvation through His son Jesus. And he asks you to have Faith and a conversion. That is why it is important to ask for the grace of his Holy Spirit so that he works in you and gives you a new heart. You are going to experience all of this by forming a Community. These are just a brief report of what the topics are about. We are waiting for you on Tuesdays at the Holy School temple from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm And you come to the parish halls entering through the tunnel from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm We begin with Prayer and then the theme We also have every Thursday Assembly of prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament It is an encounter with our Lord where you give him everything that is in your heart and for the moments that you are going through in your life The word of God is proclaimed and songs of praise, adoration are sung , thanksgiving and much more It is Charismatic Prayer Assembly In the church of Santa Ana Thursday from 5:00 pm to 6:300 pm JESUS AND MARY ARE WAITING FOR YOU
415 177 5675